I’ve just been revisiting an old portfolio website with some of my other articles from the past and decided I’d bring some of them to Geeky Ramen, given this whole thing is an exercise in me humbragging about being a journalist at times.
I wrote continuously for a free weekly street publication called The Groove Guide in New Zealand for a number of years, before moving over to the hallowed pages of Rip It Up.
The good news is that most of those articles I wrote are kept away at the National Archive in Wellington, New Zealand – so if you’re ever in the area, you can access them all.
The bad news is that I got complacent keeping clippings. So although I have some, I don’t have them all. Sad face.
But I luckily still have my Microsoft Office files tucked away on a hard drive so I’ll endeavour to port more over.
Until then; here’s a clipping when I had the great fortune of interviewing the pioneering Herbie Hancock.

Originally published in The Groove Guide, May 2008
It was my second interview I conducted for The Groove Guide, and the first where I didn’t need to end up going into the offices, once housed above the mighty Real Groovy on Queen Street.
It was also pretty revelatory to undertake also; the talk about how “Rock It” was the first music video on MTV by a black artist predating Michael Jackson’s reign on the network.
Hancock was very friendly and warm to chat with, and was one of those interviews where despite time constraints he was always willing to squeeze a little bit more time with his PR people.
I went on to interview a host more musicians for the publication, but that’s for another post when I’m not typing this out on a phone in North Wales.